“So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?” – (Noble Qur'an - Surat Ar-Rahman 55:19-21)

[ENTRY POST] Life Lessons #1: Just another project

Dengan nama Allah yang maha Pengasih Maha Penyayang
10.32 PM, June 6th, 2016

Ramadhan is Here.
Guess I am here bringing another project.
30 Days of writing. I know this is lame since I didn’t finish my last project well.
I don’t have any excuse, just that so called writer block will come anytime to unprofessional writer like me. And life to be honest. I can’t tell which or even what life I have  till I abandoned my project.

So here I am without any Idea, announcing a project.
The post, starting from this post, will contain about life. More specific, I will tell about my thought something. Or I tell about something commons. Literally, I will write whatever I want. I will continue write 30 days in arrow.

I hope I can fulfill this.

image source: google


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